Friday, December 27, 2019

Understanding the Concept of Self-Esteem Essay - 859 Words

Understanding the Concept of Self-Esteem Whether people know it or not, everyone has a self-esteem, but some have better grasps on it than others do. Most peoples self-esteem judgments are based on what they value, their beliefs or interests, and the attitudes that they have (Beane, 1993, p. 6). Therefore it is impossible to escape the notion that someone doesnt have a self-esteem. It is whatever they make it out to be, but not only do they choose their own self-esteem, but others have a big part in deciding it as well. I have two friends who are totally different in every aspect, especially their self-esteem. My one friend Karis has a high self-esteem; she gets good grades, is the star of the volleyball team, and†¦show more content†¦6), and Davina seems to have none. Self-evaluations of a person physical appearance are defiantly linked to self-esteem (Baumeister, 1993, p. 95), and Davina hates the way she looks. Shes a beautiful girl and shed be so much prettier if she smiled once in awhile, but Davina doesnt believe her peers. What a person thinks of himself or herself is going to show through their attitude and behavior (Beane, 1984, p. 26). It is also determined by what others think. Friends and relatives can have a great impact on what a person thinks of himself or herself. This can either be good or bad, and in Davinas case, ! its awful. Since her parents walked out on her, she seems untrusting of everyone except her closest friends. Even then it is hard to get through to her, I think she has given up on herself, making her self-esteem lower than is already is. Karis has nothing but warmth and love at home. Her parents help her study, commend her on her grades, and always brag to their friends about how well she is doing juggling both volleyball and school. On the refrigerator door her parents have put up all the carefully cut out newspaper clippings that show Karis playing volleyball, her place on the honor roll, and the pictures of her being inducted into the national honor society. This certainly brightens Kariss spirits as she sees how proud her parents really are of her, and IShow MoreRelatedcompare two theories of self-esteem which contribute to o ur understanding of self-concept1096 Words   |  5 PagesIn this task I will compare two theories of self-esteem which contribute to our understanding of self-concept. The theories which I will be focused on are Bowlby’s and Harter’s. Bowlby theory Bowlby worked for many years as a child psychoanalyst so was clearly very influenced by Freud’s theories and child development. 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In the nursing field, clinical supervision primarily focuses on enhancing nursing practice, enhancing the responsibility of nurse practitioners, and improving patient care Bush, 2005, p.36). This concept should seek to address several challenges that emerge from the feelingsRead MoreThe Self Paper1268 Words   |  6 PagesThe Self Paper Kimberly Kline Psych/555 January 20, 2014 Tracy Masiello The Self Paper This paper will define the concept of self, and explain how an individual develops a self-concept. It will explain the relationship between the self and emotion and how this relationship affects an individual’s self-esteem. It will also explain the relationship between the self and behavior and how this relationship affects an individual’s self-presentation. Read MoreDevelopment of Self Essay606 Words   |  3 PagesDevelopment of Self The development of self starts at a very young age. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Obesity And Obesity Related Diseases - 896 Words

Obesity is primarily measured in body mass index or BMI, a BMI over 30 is considered obese. Until recently, there has been a steady rise of the obesity prevalence over the last three decades. The American taxpayers and the medical community face a huge challenge with regards to the 34.9% of adults and 16.9% of children who struggle with obesity (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2014). Even with the prevalence of obesity remaining flat, morbid obesity, a BMI of over 40 has increased by two to three times the rate of moderate obesity (Sturm, 2007). Furthermore, 22.9% of Americans have metabolic syndrome, a condition of excess belly fat and commonly referred to as the skinny on the outside fat on the inside disease. Metabolic syndrome, like obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type-one and type-two diabetes, cancer, and stroke (Beltrà ¡n-Sà ¡nchez, Harhay, Harhay, McElligott, 2013). Unfortunately, the cost of treating obesity and obesity related diseases carry a signifi cant financial burden for individuals, organizations, and the United States government. Americans pay a substantial price for medical costs associated with obesity. When accounting for instrumental variables, obesity increased projected expenses by 150% per obese individual (Cawley Meyerhoefer, 2012). Additionally, the cost of annual productivity losses from obesity-related work absences averages $4.88 billion nationally (Trogon, Finkelstein, Hylands, Dellea, Kamal-Bahl, 2008). Furthermore, theShow MoreRelatedObesity And Obesity Related Diseases Essay1706 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity has become staggering in the United States. Children are considered obese if they have thirty percent amount of body fat or more and is measured by body mass index (BMI). Body mass index conveys the correlation of body weight to height. If a child’s BMI is at or exceeding over the 95th percentile, meaning if their body mass index is greater than 95% of other children that are the sa me sex and age, they are obese. Doctor Jeffrey Levi, an executive director of the Trust for America’sRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases Essay1843 Words   |  8 Pagesbeautiful and horrible way. There is an obesity epidemic in America that is coming from unhealthy eating habits and the absence of exercising. Also the obesity related diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure are a huge problem in and of itself. Portion sizes have gotten so much larger and there is a high increase of high fructose corn syrup that has been one of the main causes of this rapid growth in obesity and obesity related diseases. Now children are beginning to overeatRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases1342 Words   |  6 Pagesgood-quality home cooking. Obesity and obesity related diseases have increased significantly in the U.S. since the mid 1970s. Over the same time, the number of fast food restaurants have more than doubled, placing fast food with in close proximities to schools, work and home. A diet filled with fast food is strongly linked to weight gain, and insulin resistance, suggests obesity researcher and neurobiologist Stephan Guyenet Ph. D, an indicator sign that fast food increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetesRead MoreEssay on Obesity and Heart Related Disease in America1014 Words   |  5 Pagesis heart related diseases. Many of these heart related diseases are caused by obesity. Obesity is â€Å"the condition of being grossly fat or overweight.† It is not just being thick boned, or even hereditary. Obesity has become a growing epidemic around the world! A very colossal problem here in the untied states of America; What is sad is that it is a disease one has caused due to their own choice of life style. Obesity has caused great dilemma in America. It was known as an adult disease. â€Å"Over twoRead MoreObesity and Diet Related Chronic Diseases Essay3241 Words   |  13 PagesIntroduction The increase in the worldwide obesity and diet related chronic diseases over the previous several decades warrants the need of approaches to combat these disorders. Poor dietary practices, high energy intake, high intake of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol along with low intake of fiber and low physical activity are the major risk factors for these disorders. In order to overcome these problems, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) of 1990 requires all packaged foods toRead MoreObesity as a Disease Essay1334 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract As a health care professional it is our position statement that obesity should be considered as a disease. Overweight and obese adults are considered at risk for developing diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease, and certain type of cancers. An average of 300,000 deaths is associated with obesity and the total economic cost of obesity in U.S. was about $ 117 billion in 2000. As health care professionals it is our responsibility toRead MoreHuman Related Obesity1090 Words   |  4 PagesIs obesity a disease or a human related cause? Researchers have studied this question for years and have come to a variety of different conclusions. Some believe that obesity is a disease and can only be prevented by medications, while others believe that obesity is a human related cause and can be only prevented by a healthy diet and exercise. The American Medical Association (AMA) recently announced that obesity is officially a disease. Dr. Pat rice Harris, a member of the American Medical AssociationRead MoreCauses Of Obesity756 Words   |  4 Pagesspending on most important disease categories, can be used to gain understanding into recent trends, for example, how spending has altered since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and some of the important forces behind these trends. The main purpose of the health system is to improve health through the treatment and prevention of disease and wounds. Investigators can know why health spending has grown across each disease type, for example, cancers and circulatory diseases, and see whether developmentRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Is Disturbing The Financial And Social Stability Of The United States1481 Words   |  6 PagesAn Obesity epidemic is disturbing the financial and social stability of the United States. As stated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services â€Å"our modern environment has allowed these conditions to increase at alarming rates and become highly pressing health problems for our nationâ€Å"(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Efforts made by authority figures have been enforced to solve this severe crisis. Obesity has become a concerning problem in the United States. This epidemic isRead MoreEffects Of The Fast Food Industry On Canadians1263 Words   |  6 Pagesspecifically, the raise of obesity in Canada due to the wide availability of fast foods. This topic is covered by providing a background about obesity, examining the health consequences, the economic impact, and looking at the social impact and the psychosocial impact on individuals diagnosed as obese. The paper was researched by reading about the subject matter in peer-reviewed journals and grey literature. The search terms used were the following search terms: ‘obesity definition’; ‘obesity Canada’; ‘health

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Advantages Obtained From This Technology †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Advantages Are Obtained From This Technology? Answer: Introduction ICT or Information and Communication Technology has taken the modern world of technology. Tremendous advantages are obtained from this technology. It combines the basic communication mode with technologies like wireless signals (Niebuhr, 2013). It reduces the cost and complexities of the technologies. In spite of having such marvelous advantages, ICT is responsible for various cyber attacks and cyber crime in the technological world. The attacks and cyber threats are challenges for the cyber world. Every cyber threat is a challenge to the ethical world (Dewey, 2016). The four classical theories of ethics solve the problems of ethical dilemmas in the world. The following essay provides a brief description about the cyber attack of Verizon Wireless organization. It is one of the most dangerous cyber attacks in the history of cyber crime. The case study is described with the help of four classical theories of ethics. The essay links the case study with all the four theories of ethics. The description is given in the following paragraphs. Verizon Wireless Case Study The very popular and recognized company of the United States of America, Verizon Wireless, provides several products and services that are wireless. An infamous data breach took place in the organization in July 2017. All the data related to the customers were exposed in the cloud. The partner of Verizon Wireless organization was responsible for this cyber attack ("Verizon customer information exposed in data breach", 2017). Data was not protected perfectly and it was leaked. The cause of this cyber attack was the non-configured repository files. These files were based on cloud. Approximately 14 million client details were exposed in the scam. These details contained the account numbers, pin numbers, usernames and everything about the clients. This was recorded as one of the most dangerous cyber attacks ever happened. Four Classical Ethical Theories The Four Classical Theories of Ethics helps to solve the ethical dilemmas in non-ethical situations (Dewey, 2016). The theories include the Utilitarianism Theory, Deontology Theory, Virtue Theory and the Contract Theory. Utilitarianism Theory This particular theory states that an activity can be claimed as the best activity only if it provides maximum utility. Even the activity should maximize the utility of a situation. The satisfaction gained from a utility after subtracting the suffering and trouble of an individual involved in that activity (Crimmins, 2017). The two most common types of utilitarianisms are the average utilitarianism and total utilitarianism. The average utilitarianism occurs when there is a chance of gaining average utility from a situation. The total utilitarianism occurs when there is a chance of obtaining complete or total utility from a situation. These assumptions are made after evaluating the situation by the theory. In the case study, Verizon Wireless has suffered through a major cyber attack. All the data related to the customers were exposed in the cloud. The partner of Verizon Wireless organization was responsible for this cyber attack. Data was not protected perfectly and it got leaked. The cause of this cyber attack was the non-configured repository files. These files were based on cloud (Arntzenius, 2014). This particular act of the partner of Verizon Wireless is a non-ethical act. All data in an organization is highly confidential in nature. It should not have been leaked at any cost. According to the utilitarianism theory, there is no scope of utility in this situation and thus is considered as non-ethical. Deontology Theory This particular theory states that any decision is taken based on rules and regulations of the morality of a particular activity. The rules should not be broken at any cost while taking the decision. Deontology theory is also defined as the type of ethics that is done by duties and obligations. It can also be put in the way that the decisions are taken forcefully (Lazar, 2017). This obligation is the moral obligation of any situation. The obligations or forces depend on external and internal sources. Deontology theory states that an individual must be morally correct in every aspect and in every decision of his life. This will help him to grow his character. The internal sources are those sources that help the individual to develop his inner feelings, inner thinking. The friends, family, relatives all come under the category of internal sources. However, the external sources are those sources that help to understand the rest of the world and the surrounding where he is living. It inc ludes the legal laws, universal laws, religious and cultural laws (Chen Schonger, 2017). All these sources create a havoc effect on the individuals character. This case study clearly defines the negative side of the character of the partner or Verizon Wireless. They are responsible for the exposure of data in the cloud. They did not perform their duty well. Ethical and moral issues did not oblige them. Therefore, according to Deontology theory, this is absolutely non-ethical and negative in nature. Virtue Theory The third theory of Four Classical Theory of Ethics, the Virtue Ethics states that an individuals character is the most important component for thinking ethically (Audi, 2012). According to this theory, when an individual is in an ethical dilemma, he has to solve his problem using his own intellect and own perception. These thoughts and perceptions are managed by that individuals character. If the individual has a soft corner in his heart, it is evident that he has a good character and thus the decision taken by him would be good. Similarly, if the individual does not have a good character, he will end up in taking a bad decision (Van Hooft, 2014). The whole control of good and bad thinking is the hands of that individual. In the case study of Verizon Wireless, the partner leaked all the client data in the cloud. This gives a negative impression of his character. According to this theory, he has a non-ethical character. Contract Theory The final and the last theory of the four classical theory ethics is the contract theory. This theory states that the ethical values and thinking vary when a contract is present in case of an individual (Fried, 2015). It is a deal that helps to bring out the moral and ethical values of that individual. Human beings form a complete society. The society can reach its objectives only if all human beings behave ethically and take decisions morally. This contract is the motivational and ethical stamp for any organization. All employees should follow this contract. It helps to promote the ethical values in everyone. Verizon Wireless was bound to serve to their customers. It was their duty to protect the confidential data of the clients (Dewey, 2016). This was a type of contract between them. Since, Verizon Wireless was unable to maintain the contract, it can be claimed as ethically incorrect. Conclusion Therefore, from the above essay it can be concluded that ICT has taken the modern world of technology. Tremendous advantages are obtained from this technology. It combines the basic communication mode with technologies like wireless signals. It reduces the cost and complexities of the technologies. In spite of having such marvelous advantages, ICT is responsible for various cyber attacks and cyber crime in the technological world. The attacks and cyber threats are challenges for the cyber world. Every cyber threat is a challenge to the ethical world. The four classical theories of ethics solve the problems of ethical dilemmas in the world. The essay describes the case study of Verizon Wireless organization. The partner of Verizon Wireless exposed confidential data in the cloud. It was a non-ethical act. The four classical theories of ethics help to identify and understand the case study well. The four classical theories of ethics are the Utilitarianism theory, Deontology theory, Virt ue Theory and the Contract theory. References Arntzenius, F. (2014). Utilitarianism, decision theory and eternity.Philosophical Perspectives,28(1), 31-58. Audi, R. (2012). Virtue ethics as a resource in business.Business Ethics Quarterly,22(2), 273-291. Chen, D. L., Schonger, M. (2017). Social preferences or sacred values? theory and evidence of deontological motivations. Crimmins, J. E. (Ed.). (2017).The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of utilitarianism. Bloomsbury Publishing. Dewey, J. (2016).Ethics. Read Books Ltd. Fried, C. (2015).Contract as promise: A theory of contractual obligation. Oxford University Press, USA. Lazar, S. (2017). Deontological Decision Theory and Agent-Centered Options.Ethics,127(3), 579-609. Niebuhr, R. (2013).Moral man and immoral society: A study in ethics and politics. Westminster John Knox Press. Van Hooft, S. (2014).Understanding virtue ethics. Routledge. Verizon customer information exposed in data breach. (2017).Fox Business. Retrieved 13 September 2017, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Managing User Account Essay Example

Managing User Account Essay A successful project a fruitful culmination of efforts by many individuals, some directly involved and others that have quietly encouraged along with their extended support.The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible and whose constant encouragement and guidance has been a source of inspiration throughout this project. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those who have help us in this project. We are greatly remaining indebted to our Project Incharge Ms. Divya Gupta and Head of CS Department Ms. Manvi Mishra for her valuable suggestions and all round encouragement. Group member:Isha Gupta Tulika Rastogi Priyanshi Verma Shubhi Bhasin ABSTRACT Manage the user account information is basically copying the information from one file to another file . It is basically an application used at a wide level today. It is done to reduce the stress of the human labour of copying the same information again and agiain. It also give a relief to paper work and also reduce the chances of losting the information.It is generally used in big organisations for employees, in banks for opening another account , in schools, medical and many more . We will write a custom essay sample on Managing User Account specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Managing User Account specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Managing User Account specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this , firstly the user is asked as to information of which file he/she wants to copy. If the name of the file which user gave, exists then the user is asked to give a new name to the file in which the information is copied. The new file is created of that respective name and the information is copied to that file . This procedure is quiet easy and can be done in short time while again entering the information to the new file takes much more time.This applications helps us in many ways as disscussed above . It has one more benefit. The changes or modification done in the new file will not effect the original file information and the original file can be used as reference in future. This document has a wide application in banks, or banking accounts where the information of the current account of any user who is interested in opening the new saving account in that specific bank to ensure the easy accessibility to the customer. This type of document will definitely provide an ease to the customer as well as to the respective organisation by saving the time as well as human efforts.This document also provides a brief description and applications of c language to the user. * 1. 2 Product Scope This product provides the user to copy the details of existing file into a new file of desired name. In this project we have copy the information from one file to another file. By using file handling. This type of program is widely used in banks, institutions, colleges, industries, medical etc to copy the details of user whose details already exist. Benefits 1. It is inherently easy to understand. 2. It will be applicable in each and every field. * 2. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE REQUIREMENTSoftware Requirement| * Turbo c * Operating Software * Micro Software| Hardware Requirement| * RAM 256MB * Hard Disk 80GB| Table-1 (requirements) START START 5. SOFTWARE DESIGN 5. 1 FLOW CHART DESIGN * ENTER THE FILE NAME IF FILE EXISTS? COPY USER INFORMATION ENTER THE TARGET FILE PASTE THE CONTENT STOP Fig1. 1 (Flow chart to copy a file into another) * 5. 2 Algorithm of the Program 1. Start 2. Enter the file name 3. If file name exist then (a),(b),(c) otherwise repeat step 2. (a)Copy the user information (b)Enter the target file. (c)Paste the content 4. Stop

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Kerala Quiz Essay Example

Kerala Quiz Essay Kerala History Quiz 1) The only Malayalee to be mentioned in the autobiography of Gandhiji is ? A) Barristor G. P. Pillai B) Sardar KM Panikkar C) Sree Narayana Guru D) K. Karunakaran 2) Who is the father of Malayalam Language? A) Kumaranasan B) Ezhuthachan C) Vallathol D) G. Sankara Kurup 3) Which is the first Bank in Kerala A) Muthoot Bank B) State Bank of Travancore C) Catholic Syrian Bank D) Nedungadi Bank 4) Who was known as Kerala Simham (Lion of Kerala) A) Marthanda Varma B) Velu Thampi Dalawa C) Pazhassi Raja D) None of these 5) The first Keralite to become a State Governor was ? A) V. P. Menon B) R. Sankar C) Jyothi Venkitachalam D) Fathima Beevi 6) Name of the Ship in which Vascoda Gama came A) Saint Gama B) Saint Antony’s C) Saint Gabriel D) None of these 7) Who was the first Congress Chief Minister of Kerala? A) Pattom Thanupillai B) R. Sankar C) K. Karunakaran D) EMS 8) First Mamankam festival or Mamangam festival of Kerala was held in A) AD 78 B) AD 780 C) AD 789 D) AD 829 9) The First Europeans to come to Kerala was A) The Portuguese B) Dutch C) French D) British 0) First Malayalam Dictionary was compiled by A) Sreekanteswaram Padmanabha Pillai B) Mahakavi Vallathol Narayana Menon C) Hermann Gundert D) General Knowledge Quiz Blog 11) The first Jewish Synagogue in Kerala was set up in A) Kodungalloor B) Mattanchery C) Kochi D) Manjeri 12) The fist women Governor of Kerala was A) Fathima Beevi B) Jyothi Venkitachalam C) Anna Chandy D) Sarojini Naidu 13) Which ruler of Cochin started Thrissur Pooram A) Marthanda Varma B) Swathi Thirunal C) Shakthan Thampuran D) Chithira Thirunal 14) The largest irrigation project in Kerala is A) Kallada B) Malampuzha C) Pallivasal D) Neyyar 15) Vaikkom Satyagraha was in the year A) 1920 21 B) 1930 – 31 C) 1919 20 D) 1924 25 ************************* Answers 1) A) Barristor G. P. Pillai 2) B) Ezhuthachan 3) D) Nedungadi Bank 4) C) Pazhassi Raja 5) A) V. P. Menon 6) C) Saint Gabriel 7) B) R. Sankar 8) D) AD 829 9) A) The Portuguese 10) C) Hermann Gundert 11) A) Kodungalloor 12) B) Jyothi Venkitachalam 13) C) Shakthan Thampuran 14) A) Kallada 15) D) 1924 25 We will write a custom essay sample on Kerala Quiz specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kerala Quiz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kerala Quiz specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Good Essay

Good Essay Good Essay Good Essay Good writers are not born, they are trained. Similarly, good essays are written with inspiration and patience.   Yes, you cannot write a good essay rushing through writing.   You should give your mind an opportunity to think about the topic, to generate supporting details, to organize your writing, and proofread the drafts.   Below is the short sample of good essay.   Do not copy it!   Read it and make notes.   Pay attention to the sentence structure and paragraphing. If you need help with your own writing, do not hesitate to request professional essay writing help at our site.   Our essay writing services are affordable, legal, and absolutely confidential.   There is also a free blog with numerous sample essays, term papers, research papers and much in our writing blog. Good Essay Sample Any attempt to understand the female preponderance in depression must explain both the long-term and the short-term trends. Conventional explanations have assumed that the female preponderance in depression has been a long-term trend. Most of the studies do support this, and the data that exist from the nineteenth century indicate a female preponderance of depression. These enduring trends can be interpreted as supporting either the biological or the social status theories. On the other hand, recent evidence suggests short-term trends. There has been an increase in the rates of depression, especially among young women, manifested by rising suicide attempt rates among young women and by high attendance by women at psychiatric outpatient clinics. This has prompted speculation about the possible role of recent historical changes, especially the presumed pathogenic pressures of modern life. Rising expectations, increased life events, separations, and loss of attachment bonds are all risk factors of depression that have been suggested as mechanisms by which social change can be psychic stressors. These stressors are proposed to have a greater impact on women because of their more vulnerable social position. Rate increases in depression have been reported to have occurred during earlier periods of rapid social change. Schwab has pointed to possible historical parallels to the current era in late Elizabethan and early seventeenth-century England, when depression was described to have reached epidemic proportions. Similarly, Rosen, citing the example of late eighteenth-century England, quotes Edgar Shepherd who, attributing the rise in mental illness to the "wear and tear of a civilization," speculated on the reasons for the differential prevalences of mental disorder between the sexes. Rising expectations, access to new opportunities, and efforts to redress the social inequalities of women have been suggested as further explanation for the recent increase in depression among women. Depressions may occur not when things are at their worse, but when there is a possibility of improvement and a discrepancy between one's rising aspirations and the likelihood of fulfilling these wishes. The women's movement, governmental legislation, and efforts to improve educational and employment opportunities for women have created higher expectations. Social and economic achievements often have not kept pace with the promises, especially in a decreasing job market and where long-standing discriminatory practices perpetuate unequal opportunities. These new role expectations may also create intrapsychic personal conflicts, particularly for those women involved in traditional family tasks but who also desire employment and recognition outside the family. Good Essay Writing Service If writing is a nightmare for you, do not panic! We offer a solution - customized assistance. Our writing service is individual. It means that your essay is written from scratch by an experienced and responsible writer who meets deadlines and follows instructions.   Your completed essay will not be posted online, never!   We guarantee confidentiality and unlimited revisions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small company Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small company - Lab Report Example a) Calculate in UK £ how much the company has to invest in each country. For your calculations use the US dollar exchange rates given in the table below. Lay out clearly how you work out each exchange rate. Work to four d.p. Question: To invest the company needs to borrow another  £110,000. There are two banks that are offering a ten year (the term) loan where interest is paid each year and the loan repaid at the end. Bank A is offering to lend the money at an interest rate of 2.1% compounded monthly. Bank B is offering to lend the money at an interest rate of 2.05% compounded weekly. Annual percentage rate (APR) is delineated as an annual rate is charged for borrowing. It is usually expressed as one percentage representing annual cost of funds over the term of a loan for a particular of time. The meaning of the possible negative portion of the graph is that the company can supply a lot to the market than what is demanded. Even with the excess supply there is a particular price tagged to it. As supply surpasses the demand, the prices will go down as the company lowers its production. The firm, should reduce what they produce to the market at this point. (a) Use the inverse demand and supply functions you worked out for task 4 and 5 and your knowledge of simultaneous equations to work out the equilibrium quantity for demand and supply for your company’s good by equating the two functions of P. (d) Plot on one graph with suitable scales etc the inverse supply and demand functions from task 4 and 5 to confirm your answer for the equilibrium demand and supply quantity and the equilibrium price you worked out above. Overall you have projected a 14.87% year on year return in investment for the company. If the company start with an investment of  £132,000 how long will it take the company to at least double its investment? The figures presented shows that the firm has good prospects and has various